misconstrued molecule it's often associated with people of color but what some may not know is that every single race has melanin y
hair pupils inner ear brain and a trendline it's responsible for protecting your DNA from harmful UV radiation and it's broken down into different types known as pheomelanin neuromelanin and
you melanin still melted in this found in the hair and skin and is responsible for producing red and pink pigments like those found on your lips and ******* it is most notably detected in people with red hair color should be red notwithstanding neuromelanin is a darker polymer pigment it's found in various areas of the brain and high accumulation of it has been linked to the generative diseases such as Parkinson's disease humility is what we normally associate with darker skin pigment it also makes up the dark colors in your hair and eyes varying amounts of brown and black humility can give skin different pigmentations as well as hair color with blind resulting from low levels of humility and black hair forming from higher concentrations lastly higher amounts
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